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Monday, March 21, 2011

Return to Michigan

We leave today to return to Michigan. After Will had a seizure, Sharon told him he could not work at the donut shop. After seeing the mobile home and realizing it was too small and old for us, and with Will's reaction to the traffic congestion here, living here would not be an option. Unfortunately we cannot afford another Uhaul, the money left from my check and the 2500 Will got for the coin will be necessary to drive back. We are leaving most of our things, our life behind and moving forward. Funny how everytime in my life just when I feel that I can be happy someplace, something happens to spoil it.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Moving on

Much to my surprise, Will actually wanted to move to Florida and take the job that Sharon offered him. They found a mobile home within our budget. We have sold some of our furniture and the mobile home. The plan is to leave on the day after my check comes. The uhaul has been reserved and plans are not set in stone.

I cannot help but wonder how Will can handle the trip down. He knows how long it takes and we made a reservation for a hotel midway down. I guess only time will tell