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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Everyday Struggles

We struggle everyday of our lives with the choices we make. Often we second guest ourselves and wonder if we did the right thing. It is never easy to make decision. There are no perfect choices. Knowing that our choices and actions affect people around us.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sep 27, 2011

Today's therapy went rather well. During the first twenty minutes I was in with Will, but as Christina had developed further into behavior changes and coping skills, Will said he thought he could handle it alone. Later on when he came out he had some hand outs that were designed to help him with coping in various situations. I think this is a major break through. He feels much more positive now.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

It is the end of an age

Today I received a link from Carolann about the doughnut shop and news that I was not aware of. Howard had borrowed 85k to open the business and never made a single payment.
I can't help but think what would have happened if Will and I had stayed down there.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Aug 30, 2011

Today at 3:30 pm Will had his session with Christina. In the beginning we finished up on intake and them began working on a list of goals. Will wants to tell her about his paranormal abilities but is afraid. I don't know how to help him other than just be supportive. We spoke alittle about co-dependence and how he does not like being alone. Christina suggested him trying to do something like taking a walk or just getting out of the apartment alone. I agree. He worries about where I am when I walk out the door. We still have alot of fear issuse to work through

His mother called to asked about the session as well as him filing for SSI and he had to make an excuse. He thinks he may be able to get himself strong enough to go back to work. This of course would be the best road to take since it will mend his self esteem issues and allow him to feel productive.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Today was Will's first session in Therapy. Christina is quite nice and willing to allow me in with him during his sessions until he feels comfortable enough to handle it alone. Much of the session was intake information and defining goals. One important one is him getting his self-worth back and being his own person again. When I first met him he had started being himself and learning to say no, but somewhere along the past three years he fell back into feeling worthless and self defeating. I think losing the store had quite alot to do with it. I really wish there was a way we could open another. I know how much he enjoyed running it and making the products. The problem is as usual money. I can only try to be supportive with him and help him through this.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Moving in

Today we finally move into Crosswinds senior apartments. Section 8 finally came through after much delay. Savings is running low since we had to buy household items and some furniture. Will keeps thinking if only we had not sold the mobile home and tried to move to Florida. He blames himself when we both made the choice. I just hope he will be happy here. We still have much road to cover before we can truly say we are settled down.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Thinking back

While looking out the window we saw a cat that resembles Lucina. Will wants to put food outside for her just in case it is her. I think back at all the cats we have had and given away. The many changes in our lives which seem to haunt us. Will we ever find a place where we can be happy? Section 8 has issued our voucher it will be good until July 22nd. We still have not found a place to live.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Return to Michigan

We leave today to return to Michigan. After Will had a seizure, Sharon told him he could not work at the donut shop. After seeing the mobile home and realizing it was too small and old for us, and with Will's reaction to the traffic congestion here, living here would not be an option. Unfortunately we cannot afford another Uhaul, the money left from my check and the 2500 Will got for the coin will be necessary to drive back. We are leaving most of our things, our life behind and moving forward. Funny how everytime in my life just when I feel that I can be happy someplace, something happens to spoil it.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Moving on

Much to my surprise, Will actually wanted to move to Florida and take the job that Sharon offered him. They found a mobile home within our budget. We have sold some of our furniture and the mobile home. The plan is to leave on the day after my check comes. The uhaul has been reserved and plans are not set in stone.

I cannot help but wonder how Will can handle the trip down. He knows how long it takes and we made a reservation for a hotel midway down. I guess only time will tell